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The Mar-Lowdown

Are my cramps normal? What does my discharge mean? Does cranberry juice help with UTIs?

Got any burning questions, or sensations? 😜 Welcome to the Mar-lowdown, let’s learn together.

The Marlow Guide to Blood Stain Removal

The Marlow Guide to Blood Stain Removal

Let’s not pretend: the average person can probably count on their fingers how many fabrics, places and scenarios you’ve had to deal with blood stains. But don’t worry! Check out the Marlow Blood Stain Guide for everything you might need to get rid of the new, the old and even the stubborn.
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Wait, You’ve Had One Too? Let’s Chat Ovarian Cysts.

Wait, You’ve Had One Too? Let’s Chat Ovarian Cysts.

We’re back to discuss yet another topic that so many menstruators experience, yet barely ever speak of: ovarian cysts. After multiple friends opened up to me about their diagnoses, I decided to do some research. So, what are ovarian cysts? What causes ovarian cysts? What are the symptoms? The treatments? Should I be worried? Keep reading so we can get educated together!
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What To Expect During Your First Pelvic Exam

What To Expect During Your First Pelvic Exam

Three weeks ago, I visited my family doctor for one of the most basic procedures for vagina-owners: a physical. What’s it like to get a physical? Do I have to prepare for it? Is it scary? Well, this week, I am sharing intimate details of my experience, and through a blog/vlog combo, I am taking you all along for the ride!
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Let’s Talk Irregular Periods with Dr. Taryn Taylor

Let’s Talk Irregular Periods with Dr. Taryn Taylor

If you’re suffering with irregular periods, or suspect that you might be, this week’s blog is a must-read. I sat down with Dr. Taylor, an OB/GYN to discuss everything from what in the world is considered a normal “period range”, common misconceptions about the use of IUDs and birth control to regulate periods, and we bust some period myths as well.

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5 Misconceptions About Tampons

5 Misconceptions About Tampons

Since the topic of the menstrual cycle has been taboo for so long, it is bound to breed myths. It is only through continuous and dedicated awareness campaigns on all platforms that we can shame these myths into submission and let menstruating people be free of the burden to hide what comes naturally as part of their biology. 
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The Emergency Contraceptive Vending Machine

The Emergency Contraceptive Vending Machine

This week in our blog we are discussing the ins and outs of emergency contraceptives. What is it? How does it work? Are there more options than the Plan B pill? We also debunk some common myths associated with emergency contraceptives.

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To Flush or Not to Flush: How To Properly Dispose of Your Tampons

To Flush or Not to Flush: How To Properly Dispose of Your Tampons

After the comments on one of our recent TikToks blew up with debate on whether to flush your tampon or not, we realized there’s A LOT of confusion around this topic. So, we set out to find you the facts on whether it’s really ok to flush your tampons. (Hint: Stick to your bins.)
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Using Ibuprofen for Period Cramps

Using Ibuprofen for Period Cramps

After speaking to our community online about how they deal with menstrual cramps, many of you mentioned that you rely on ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps. So, we reached out to the team over at Motrin (aka ibuprofen) to learn a bit more about the science behind ibuprofen. Read on to see why ibuprofen works, how it works, and whether it’s right for you.

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A Sweet and Brief History of the Cherry as a Sex Symbol

A Sweet and Brief History of the Cherry as a Sex Symbol

The cherry has withstood the test of time as a powerful symbol of sex and virginity stemming back from the Renaissance Era. Today, join us as we locate the fascinating origins of this little fruit, reflect on some ‘pubic poetry’ and uncover the real truth behind society’s cultural fascination with cherries and virginity.

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Why is my period blood brown?

Why is my period blood brown?

From pink to cherry red to brown to even black, our menstrual blood varies from person to person and cycle to cycle. If you're like me, mainstream media made me believe that menstrual blood was either blue (thanks to Tampax commercials) or cherry red, so saying I was confused when I noticed something brownish/blackish in my underwear is an understatement.
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The Curious Case of the Missing Garbage Bin

The Curious Case of the Missing Garbage Bin

“I decided on the only other solution I could think of, I would wrap my tampon in an extra heavy layer of toilet paper and bring it home with me in my purse like a souvenir.” This week, blog-writer Madi shares a personal story relating to menstrual product disposal and discusses a few tips for non-menstruators to make their potential houseguests more comfortable!

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Pelvic Pain Disorders: Understanding The Diagnostic Delay

Pelvic Pain Disorders: Understanding The Diagnostic Delay

The average diagnostic delay of endometriosis is 6.7 years on average. The delay from first symptom to surgical diagnosis can take up to 11 years. The truth is, these aren’t just pain disorders. They impact an individual’s cumulative life as it imposes limitations on life choices including education, career, and family. So, what’s driving this reality, and where do we go from here? 
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