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The Mar-Lowdown

Are my cramps normal? What does my discharge mean? Does cranberry juice help with UTIs?

Got any burning questions, or sensations? 😜 Welcome to the Mar-lowdown, let’s learn together.

How to Insert a Tampon for Beginners

How to Insert a Tampon for Beginners

If there’s one thing more stressful than getting your period for the first time, it’s using a tampon for the first time. How do I pick the right absorbency? How do I put a tampon in? Will using a tampon hurt? Today, we’re taking you through everything you need to know about using & inserting tampons!
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The Dismal State of Sex Ed in Canada

The Dismal State of Sex Ed in Canada

Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Oh, and STIs are a thing. Plus, here’s a video of vaginal birth! Sound familiar? For most of us, that’s about as comprehensive as our sex education got. Clearly, this resonates with the Marlow community too - 89% don’t believe that their sex ed prepared them for real life. Let’s dissect that.
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Pelvic Organ Prolapse - The Hidden Medical Epidemic

Pelvic Organ Prolapse - The Hidden Medical Epidemic

In 2015, the Washington Post called it a hidden medical epidemic, gynaecologists often do not notice it in routine exams, and some may go decades without ever noticing it. The culprit: pelvic organ prolapse. Have you ever heard of it? If you think you may be suffering from it, take a read.
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Understanding Ovulation

Understanding Ovulation

We always talk about the symptoms and changes menstruators feel the days before their periods begin but we don’t talk about the changes we feel at other points in our cycle enough, particularly around ovulation. It's time for Ovulation Station: the blog post where we talk about what you can expect to feel like surrounding ovulation.
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Birth Control Cleanses: A Necessary Measure, or a Marketing Gimmick?

Birth Control Cleanses: A Necessary Measure, or a Marketing Gimmick?

The supplement industry is notorious for promoting the idea that there are gaps in our overall health that need remedial fixes. This is no different for users of birth control who are getting off the Pill. If you’ve been scrolling through Instagram and seriously considering a cartful of birth control cleanses to “reset” your system, think again.
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A Closer Look At Non-Hormonal IUDs

A Closer Look At Non-Hormonal IUDs

A few months ago we interviewed individuals on their experiences with IUDs. However, after a poll on our Instagram revealed that 65% of our followers wanted to learn more about their IUD options, we decided that this week, we’d dive deep into non-hormonal copper IUDs!
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You Are What You Eat: Period Edition

You Are What You Eat: Period Edition

Do the foods we eat really make or break the types of periods we have? Do some foods cause more painful periods? Can other foods help alleviate certain symptoms like cramps and bowel issues? Well, yes! It’s all in the hormones, folks. In this week’s blog, let’s update the grocery list and dive into the food-hormone connection.
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Stress & Your Cycle: How Stress Impacts Menstruation

Stress & Your Cycle: How Stress Impacts Menstruation

The past year-and-a-half has been unforgettable for all the worst reasons. Life during covid has been scary, disappointing, exhausting and, above all, stressful. While it’s common knowledge that stress can negatively impact your health, how does it impact your menstrual cycle? Well, let’s find out!
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Does the COVID-19 vaccine really affect your period?

Does the COVID-19 vaccine really affect your period?

In the spirit of being a menstrual health company in 2021, you didn’t think we’d skip out on talking about the connection between COVID-19 vaccines and your period, did you? This week, we’ll try to cut through the internet’s white noise and get to the bottom of menstrual related data and vaccines. Spoiler: There’s nothing to worry about (other than the lack of data collection, of course).
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Wait, an orgasm can do what for my health?

Wait, an orgasm can do what for my health?

We noticed a bit of a discrepancy between popular blogs writing about the male versus the female orgasm - while blogs discussing the benefits of male orgasms focused on increased brain functioning, decreased likelihood of prostate cancer, and stress relief, the female orgasm blogs notably focused on changes in physical appearances. But… there’s more to it, right?

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Vaginal Discharge: What’s Normal?

Vaginal Discharge: What’s Normal?

If there’s one vaginal health topic that really makes people squirm, it’s discharge. Discharge always seems to have a reputation of being a “dirty word”. A word that feels unnatural, makes voices turn quieter, cheeks turn rosier, and eyes grow wider. Today, we’re flipping the script.
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What is the Fertility Awareness Method?

What is the Fertility Awareness Method?

“Natural” and “birth control” were two phrases I would have never put in the same sentence… until I learned about the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

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